Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Georgetown Cupcake: Lemon Berry Cupcake

There are few (if any) negative things I could say about Georgetown Cupcake's cupcakes.  They are so adorable, delicious, and hands down my favorite cupcakery in the area.

However, I just can't let this one cupcake flavor slide, as much as I'd like to.

Behold, the Lemon Berry cupcake: 



No need to adjust your computer screen settings- the cupcake is THAT bright in real life, if not brighter.  This neon atrocity reminds me of a) the 80's; b) Play-doh; and c) Pepto-Bismol on steroids.  It is so so so so so so so so so bright and odd-looking, especially in the store, standing alongside all of the other cupcake flavors. 

Taste-wise, the cupcake is like a berry lemonade- sufficiently tart and light.  Unfortunately, the neon frosting got to me so much that I couldn't really eat much of this cupcake.  Suffice to say I wouldn't be trying this again, because I just can't get the idea of eating hot pink Play-doh out of my head.  Fortunately there are tons of other Georgetown Cupcakes that I am happy to spend my calorie intake on :o) 


  1. So weird! I had the lemon berry one a few years ago and did NOT look like that. Too bad because it was very tasty.

  2. Oh no! the Lemon Berry cupcake is my absolute favorite from Georgetown Cupcake!

  3. Yeah - I agree with Ilana - it didn't use to be that BRIGHT!

  4. I think large amount of toxic food coloring was used to make it glow. Wait, did it glow in the dark? LOL..If you wont mind I'd love to guide Foodista readers to your post. Just add the foodista widget to the end of this post so it will appear in the Foodista pages and it's all set, Thanks!

  5. @Ilana: Yeah, I remember you getting it v. early on and I think we would've noticed if it was this bright...

    @Ashley: Haha, yeah really!

    @nicole: Well, you don't have to worry about me buying this flavor out haha.

    @Shannon: Glad we have a consensus on this, haha!

    @christine: I know, I wonder if how it'd look in the dark, haha.

  6. OMG this post is hilarious! I just read it aloud to my boyfriend.

  7. @dreaminbuttercream: Thanks for reading- glad you enjoyed it :o)
