Monday, October 22, 2012

Georgetown Cupcake - Free Strawberry Lava Fudge Cupcake

Here we have the REAL Strawberry Lava Fudge cupcake from Georgetown Cupcake!

You may be wondering why I say it's the REAL one - well, back when I got the free Strawberry Lava Fudge cupcake before, it turned out to be a Strawberry cupcake with fudge on top.  It was still delicious, don't get me wrong, but I'm happy to add the correct version of this cupcake to my blog :o)

Check out that gooey fudge core! As you may have figured out by now, this is a Lava Fudge  cupcake with strawberry frosting instead of the usual vanilla frosting.  I LOVE Georgetown Cupcake's strawberry frosting so this was a delicious variation of a great cupcake!