Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Georgetown Cupcake - NY Pinstripe Pretzel + Boston Green Monstah Cupcakes

A few weeks ago, Georgetown Cupcake pitted the NY Yankees and Boston Red Sox against each other, which is nothing new, but this was way more tasty than a baseball game, haha.  Both flavors of cupcakes were sold at all Georgetown Cupcake locations, with the proceeds going to two charities.  Since I don't really have a preference for one team over another, it made it easier to just buy both, haha.   

Here we have the NY Pinstripe Pretzel: Chocolate cupcake baked with gourmet butterscotch chips and crushed pretzel and topped with a butterscotch-infused buttercream frosting.  As you can see there's a ton of butterscotch chips in the one I got - not so much pretzel pieces.  This was incredibly sweet, I think mainly due to the butterscotch buttercream frosting, but a fun cupcake nonetheless.

And here is the Boston Green Monstah: Green velvet cupcake topped with green vanilla cream cheese frosting and baseball fondant decorations.  Essentially, a red velvet cupcake that was bright green instead of red, haha.  Being a fan of their red velvet to begin with, clearly I enjoyed this one as well. 


  1. Chocolate cupcake baked with gourmet butterscotch chips and crushed pretzel and topped with a butterscotch-infused buttercream frosting.
